My Halloween wish has come true. I am not really into Christmas so instead of a Christmas wish here was my Halloween wish. My wish was that Oliver would be walking for trick or treating. I told him at the beginning of the month that if he didnt walk then there might be trouble! I am happy to report that he is a walking fool!!! He doesnt like his costume much but I think he looks adorable. I will post a pic of all the boys soon. Ian doesnt care one way or another about his costume but he likes the fact that there is velcro and he can pull it apart. Spencer actually liked his costume and wore it around the house during our trial run the other night. I think he was a little unhappy when it came off but he gets a chance to wear it tonight and again tomorrow. The town where Great Grandma lives has trick or treating the night before Halloween, which is a little strange, but it works for us. Tomorrow night we are going to Grandma's house and possibly our neighbors houses. We dont get many trick or treaters in my neighborhood so I havent bought any candy. I have a few things we can give out. Now since I said all this I bet we will have an onslaught of trick or treaters. Plus tomorrow during the day its supposed to be unseasonably warm and into the 80's. Which is crazy!! But thankfully its not a full moon!!
Amazingly the boys got approved for Synagisagain this year!! I am actually kinda shocked about it. I was really thinking that they wouldnt qualify. Even our ped said that she didnt think they would qualify but it was worth a try. She just called me and said that this deserved a personal call from her. She is so great! I like her (before the Synagis approval) and love the way she handles the boys and takes care of DH and me.
After I called DH I called our nurse, Beverly, who came out to give the shots last year. A few weeks ago I called her and told her that I didnt think that the boys would qualify and said that I was sad that we wouldnt see each other. Funny how things turn out. She was shocked as well with the approval and very pleased that they will be protected. We talked about logistics of how we are going to separate them and keep them from rebelling against her and me. This year will be completely different since they are very mobile and will know whats going on. What I am afraid of the most is that they will cry whenever they see her come in the door! Poor Beverly. :)
I had planned to keep them on house arrest again this winter and use the same precautions as last year, much to the dismay of the MIL. I will never understand why its such a big deal to wash her hands after she comes into the house. Its just proper hygienic practice. Sheesh! I do plan on taking them to see Santa this year so I guess we will have to go and be the first in line on a slow day. At least she will be happy about that.Like I care......
Yes I am still alive. Last week was nuts. Boys waking up at all hours of the night and lots of broken sleep. I think I took a nap everyday last week. Maybe I was being punished for leaving them? Maybe its teething? Maybe a growth spurt? Whatever the case may be it was not fun.
I had a great time in Chicago. Shopped all day Saturday and ate at the Cheesecake Factory. I got my first taste of Kobe beef. It was so yummy. I want more. And of course had cheesecake. That was yummy to. I want more.
Today was the boys 18 month check up. Of course I was worried as always about Ollie being so small. He weighs 20 pounds. He is 2 inches shorter than Ian, and one inch shorter than Spence. Ian weighs 24 1/2 pounds, and Spencer is 22 1/2. Its not that big of a weight difference but the other two are just built differently. More stocky I suppose. Ollie is just a little guy with a big voice. I voiced my concerns about his weight and the ped. told me that since he grew two inches since the visit in July that I shouldnt be concerned with his weight at all. I am reassured but still want my littlest guy to get big and fit into the winter clothes that I bought!! I am afraid that the other two will outgrow them before he even fits in them!! :) Although there is nothing cuter than seeing a baby in big clothes. Tonight I put the boys in footy pjs because its getting quite chilly here. Ian and Spence fit nicely but Ollie's feet were way too small and the feet of the pjs looked life elf shoes. Its was so darn cute. I wish I would have taken a pic. Damn!!
Tomorrow I am off to Chicago. I cant wait. Ok, I feel kinda bad leaving but I know that its the best thing for me so I can retain some sort of sanity. A friend asked me today if I liked being a stay at home Mom more now that the boys are bigger, and I told her that I didnt like it. I know its the best for the boys but I would love to get out of the house more and deal with adults. I have trouble holding adult conversations anymore. The only word that I seem to be able to say is "NO!!!" I guess every Mom goes through this. As I said in a previous post I need my space sometimes (well most times) and having three 18 month olds doesnt allow that at all. Yes I am complaining. Sorry. Hopefully I come back from my little trip with a better attitude.
Today the boys are exactly 18 months old. Wow has the time flown by. Last year I couldnt even imagine the boys all walking and feeding themselves. But they are. I can only imagine what is coming in the future.
Ollie is tooling around the livingroom fairly frequently. He falls a lot but as I recall not so long ago his two brothers did the same thing. Spence has a molar that is slowwwwly breaking through the gum line. I wish that tooth would just erupt and then he can have some peace. He is quite the cranky little bugger lately. Ian is keeping very busy being helpful and playing in the dog's water bowls. I have decorated the house for Halloween. The boys seem to really like the ghost that is hanging in the window and the glowing spider web. I love Halloween so decorating has been really fun for me. I have lights going up and down the stairwell and lights strung around the basement. Its all very spooky!!
Friday I am going to visit a friend in Chicago for the weekend. I need a break from everyone and of course need to have a little retail therapy. I hear we are going out for margaritas on Friday night. Sounds heavenly to me. Like back in April, I think the best part of my trip will be the 4 hour drive alone. I am such a non touchy feely person and need my personal space but with three little boys personal space is nonexistent. That has been one of the hardest things for me. I hate being pulled on and my clothing tugged at. Drives me crazy!! So this weekend comes as a welcome relief to me.