My life with triplet boys that were born via donor eggs.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


My Halloween wish has come true. I am not really into Christmas so instead of a Christmas wish here was my Halloween wish. My wish was that Oliver would be walking for trick or treating. I told him at the beginning of the month that if he didnt walk then there might be trouble! I am happy to report that he is a walking fool!!! He doesnt like his costume much but I think he looks adorable. I will post a pic of all the boys soon. Ian doesnt care one way or another about his costume but he likes the fact that there is velcro and he can pull it apart. Spencer actually liked his costume and wore it around the house during our trial run the other night. I think he was a little unhappy when it came off but he gets a chance to wear it tonight and again tomorrow. The town where Great Grandma lives has trick or treating the night before Halloween, which is a little strange, but it works for us. Tomorrow night we are going to Grandma's house and possibly our neighbors houses. We dont get many trick or treaters in my neighborhood so I havent bought any candy. I have a few things we can give out. Now since I said all this I bet we will have an onslaught of trick or treaters. Plus tomorrow during the day its supposed to be unseasonably warm and into the 80's. Which is crazy!! But thankfully its not a full moon!!

1 comment:

ReD said...

I hope I get some Halloween pictures so that I can be a proud auntie and show them off. Also, I made some Peanut butter cookies and thought of you, I'm sending you a mental cookie.
Happy HAlloween!