My life with triplet boys that were born via donor eggs.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Can you guess what I just bought?

I have many smudges on the new camera lense. Its fine. I probably shouldnt have let the lense cap dangle so little dirty hands wouldnt be attracted to it. Silly Mommy.

Oh on another note, brand spakin new Nine Inch Nails is available on line!!!! I love that the new music was released without any advance notice and promtly crashed the servers so almost no one could download it. Its amazing how so many people wanted it and freaked out when it wouldnt download. I was one of them last night but did get a few songs today. The cool thing about the new NIN cd is that its all instrumental. I love just about anything Trent does but his instrumentals are always my favorites. Today when I was previewing a few new tracks, Ollie turned and looked at me and got this huge smile on his face. He jumped off the couch and came over so he could get a listen. He just kept smiling. I already knew that the boys were big fans of NIN but wasnt sure if they would like this. Anytime we are in the car and they start fussing I put on NIN and they calm down. So if you like NIN go check out the new cd "Ghosts I-IV" its pretty cool. And you can download it for free......Thanks Trent!!!!

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